Saturday 25 February 2012

Unit 4: Story Telling - "The Long Shot" Previz & Overlay Animatic

Hello Everyone,

Spent a chunk of yesterday finishing off the animatic which wound up taking all day. I was also walking between the computer and the toilet, been feeling super crap. Still I am glad that I have actually completed this, its been a lot of commitment with a lot of ups & downs.

There are actually 2 videos here with one showing the animatic overlayed onto the previz, this is how I managed to sync up the previz with the sounds in the premiere pro file without changing a thing. All it required was counting frames which is quite easy once you get the hang of it.

Anyway without any further ado I give you my previz & animatic overlay.

Firstly my full previz is above, this took a lot longer then expected but after making 30 or so scenes I started getting the hang of it. It was actually more fun combining my animatic with my previz (the video below). Cant believe I've reached this stage already, I had more days pencilled down for this task, just more time to perfect my artwork :P

The video above shows my animatic overlay previz, I knocked the opacity of the 3d layer down so you can lightly see the original animatic underneath. I like this better then having the animatic in the corner, it allows me to see how the scene works more vividly.

Well I think this concludes this little post, I have reviews to get cracking on tonight & then I start work on Alan's 3D Maya exercises. We are going to have to see how I actually get on, 3D tends to soak up hours if you let it... I learnt that from Unit 3.

Hope you are all having as much fun as I have been.
Take it easy!!

Over & Out,


  1. Looking really nice!! :D keep it up!! Ive done most of this work. just going to upload it soon :)
